Saturday, August 9, 2008

An Open Door..

It’s 2:08am Saturday morning. After a few quiet moments, I can see the open door.. I guess the question is how wide is the door open?

I made a friend who seems to have a huge call on his life. He’s walking out his dreams right now- a big part of that being to encourage others an find open doors around the community. My friend is actually living out one of his biggest dreams- to help others live out theirs. Here’s the “door,” the Life Center… alive and kickin'-the heart of the city- or at least my heart! A chance has been set up for me to get plugged into an inner city community center on Monday evenings, through my friends foundation It's Chance or IC. I see the door and the large light behind it too! I’m going for it. Stand back... here I come!!

After attending last Monday at the Life Center, this idea of an open door became clearer. Plainly said, the door is not wide open yet, but cracked- which is fine, because there’s good fruit behind it. But Somehow, in my severely structured, lets get it done mind, my first thought revolves around how I could head a planning committee and get incredibly busy being, well.. busy. My friend shot that Bird down quick.. He’s right- the door is cracked.. there’s tons of light, big fruit on the other side but the entry way right now is.. small. See, I was all about squeezing my vague “know how” ideas, plans and misconceptions through that tiny crack but my friend wisely suggested that the team step back and ease in relationally. It’s silly to try and bust through with all that at this time.. maybe better to just put my big foot on the inside of the door and smile for a while… After all, my foot is probably big enough all on its own for now. 

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